if you see a bear in your yard  

If you see a bear in your backyard, remember that the bear is in your territory so do what you can to safely discourage the bear from lingering. This will keep you and the bear safe.

  • Give the bear lots of space, and go inside with your children and pets. 

  • If the bear is eating from a fruit tree let him/her finish.

  • From a safe vantage point inside your home, speak to the bear in a firm voice, ‘go away bear,’ or the like. If the bear does not move along you can raise your voice and wave your arms to let the bear know he/she is not welcome.

  • When the bear has left, remove all attractants from yard. Keep in mind that he/she will likely return several times to check for the same source of food that was found previously. 

  • Let your neighbours know about the bear and remind them to secure all garbage and remove attractants. 

If you see a bear up a tree, give him/her some space by going inside your home. A black bear will climb a tree because he/she is anxious and stressed. Let the bear come down in his/her own time: he/she may wait until nightfall to do so.

Do not bring extra attention to the bear by inviting friends and neighbours to see the bear as this will only make the bear more anxious.

Some bears become accustomed to our voices and certain noises: these bears may require more assertive deterrents or repellents to move them along. You can email us at: scbearalliance@gmail.com for more information.


Bears are most active during the early morning and early evening hours: always check for bears in your yard and make some noise before letting your pet outside.